Our health is in our hands. Navigating the vast amounts of data on what constitutes good nutrition is daunting. Especially since what is considered good is inevitably proven bad for you a few years later. Numerous studies are conducted to prove and disprove what has been espoused and recommended. Who do you believe? All other beings on the planet instinctively know what food they should consume. Only human beings need to read nutrition information printed on labels to decipher to consume or not to consume. Most of our food choices are governed by our minds and cravings. Few of us have learned to art of listening to our bodies. When our choices move from a compulsive place to a conscious process, good health and well being follow.
There is a huge gulf between biological foods (vegetables, fruits, sprouts etc.) and processed foods. The body knows the difference between Vitamin C popped from a bottle or one derived from oranges. Or protein derived from peas and edamame versus protein derived from powders however vegan or organic they maybe.
The five elements that comprise the body and all of creation are earth, fire, water, air and space. There are five layers to our bodies – Physical (Annamaya Kosha), Energy( Pranamaya Kosha), Emotional (Manomaya Kosha, Mental (Vignanmaya Kosha) and Bliss (Anandmaya Kosha). One cannot only focus on the Physical body to achieve holistic wellness.
Ayurvedic doctors regard physical and mental existence and personality as one unit, each element being able to influence the other. Feelings, thoughts and emotions play a vital role in defining our individual energy signatures or auras. A peaceful individual with spiritual waves sends out into the world, thoughts of harmony and peace which are absorbed by the minds of people and produce in them, similar thoughts and positive vibes. Thoughts, good or evil, give rise to vibrations in the mental atmosphere and travel far and wide. In addition, every thought or impulse is conveyed to every cell in the body. Negative emotions impact the functioning of the cells, secrete harmful chemicals in the body, drain energy, cause a weakened immune system plus a host of psychosomatic diseases.
Thought is the most vital, subtle and dynamic force in the universe. By choosing our thoughts, we determine the emotional currents and electromagnetic frequencies we release. We can control our energies, quality of life, the effect we have on others and the nature of experience of our lives by thought control.